Franchise Publicity

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Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


Franchise Founder Loses Twitter Food Fight

Cuppy’s Coffee founder Robert “Morg” Morgan had been laying low.  rawman-walking

While the unhappy victims of the Cuppy’s Coffee were commiserating online, Morgan had quietly reinvented himself as new age celibate vegan raw food guru Bobby The Rawman Walking.  He had launched two self-promotional blogs called Living Raw & Free and The Sanctuary (his raw food retreat).

By posting 5000+ touchy-feely inspirational messages and links to raw food recipes, Rawman Walking had built up an adoring following on Twitter.  He was just starting to pitch his ardent followers – most of whom were middle-aged women unaware of his controversial past – on attending his raw food retreat at a cost ranging from $1500 – $14,000.

He and partner Ben Doyle (also an infamous Cuppy’s Coffee partner) were beginning to mention investment opportunities for expansion of his so-called “retreat,” which he calls The Sanctuary.


Morg Morgan’s Carnivorous Karma Bites Back

Morg’s new life went swimmingly until an anonymous poster left a message on alerting the unhappy franchisees and depositers, who had been abandoned Cuppy’s Coffee, about his new identity. posted CUPPY’S: Robert Morgan is Now “Bobby The Rawman Walking”

A Facebook group called Beware of Rawman appeared.

At least three Tweeters (FoodDiva2, BewareofRawman & Rawman_Rawdeal) began posting warnings to alert the fans of Rawman Walking that their new guru had a controversial past.

The Tweeters posted links to expose-type blog posts on UF (Beware of Rawman Walking aka Morg Morgan) and on Michael Webster’s Misleading Advertising Law blog (Rawman or Raw deal?).


Rawman Walking & Friends Fight Back

Rawman_Rawdeal (MJ) aggressively gathered 1100 followers of his own and posted Rawman-warning tweets:

rawdeal Rawman Morg Morgan fired a series of DMs (Direct Messages) to Rawman-Rawdeal claiming he was a fellow victim of his own company, and innocent of claims he misappropriated funds from an estimated 200+ franchisees and franchise applicants:

Hi, MJ. RawmanWalking: I just saw your posts. My private DM’s Twisted. u are not interested n anything but making money on your blog. Good bye.

Hi, MJ. RawmanWalking: I have never wished evil on anyone. Even when you continue to try to hurt me and my family. I will not hate u Stop this craziness.

Hi, MJ. RawmanWalking: What you are doing is so sick. All to make money on your blog. You could care less about ALL of us who were hurt. Stop spreading lies!

Hi, MJ. RawmanWalking: I wouldn’t give u anything! You twist what I say spread lies slandering me. I never intentionally hurt 1 person yet U seek 2 destroy me.

Hi, MJ. RawmanWalking: Get the facts. I have never stolen 1 penny from anyone! Stop the harrassment .What is your point? I have given evey agency the records.

Rawman Walking’s new friends and followers were upset with the revelations.  A handful angrily defended him, turning on the messengers:



Scary Tweeter Ariaa Jaeger, who describes herself as a “Spiritual/Executive Life Coach, Vocalist, Humanitarian, Activist, People Magnet, Author-Ariaaisms~Spiritual Food for the Soul,” even predicted cancer for those who criticized Rawman:


In the End, Rawman Was Detweeted.

7 days after the first negative Tweet, Rawman left a flurry of quotes from Mother Teresa & Gandhi and then, presumably, deleted his page.  His thousands of tweets disappeared instantly.  Rawman was detweeted.


Some, including 16-year old Cam Peterson (above).  took the news hard.

However, Rawman Walking’s two blogs are still live and he is still, as far as we know, soliciting guests for his women-only raw food retreat.  Perhaps he’s even accepting investors for his new raw deal, The Sanctuary.

Meanwhile, angry Cuppy’s Coffee franchisees are fighting off home repossessions, fending off creditors, and begging Federal investigators to send Rawman packing.


Twitter screenshots:

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